Thanks for checking out GridPoker!

The objective of GridPoker is to make the best possible poker hands in each row, column and diagonal of a 5 x 5 grid. You'll be dealt 5 cards, which you have to lock in before being dealt the next hand of 5. Once all 25 cards are placed, your score is summed and displayed on the screen.

GridPoker has a set daily seed that will be automatically loaded when you first play the game. You can compare your score with the 'Copy to Discord' button in the menu. You can keep playing after the daily game is finished, too. Just press 'New Game' in the menu. You can even set a specific seed in the box adjacent, or just leave it blank for a random new game.

The game tracks the number of dailies you've played, your average daily score, your top daily score, and your top score of all time.

You can press 'Q' to hide the UI and enjoy the wild west vibes. Pressing 'W' will bring up an overlay showing the exact score for each column, row, and diagonal (These only appear if the row, column or diagonal has all 5 cards in it and has been locked in). Music track can be skipped by muting and unmuting the music in the menu.

*** Known Issues ***

  • The stats tracking and the system for remembering volume levels uses Unity's playerprefs system, and does not work on some browsers. Brave does not work, but this can be solved by putting Shields down. Some adblockers/script blockers may prevent stats and settings from being saved.
  • The 'Copy to Discord' button does not put in line breaks. You can manually add them, but it's a pain. This is WebGL specific. After a few days of looking for a solution, I doubt I can fix this. Screenshots seem like the best way to share scores.
  • Every time I update the game, stats and settings are erased.

*** Credit ***

Piano sounds generated with

Pixel font

WebGL template

Music accredited in game menu. Music by David Fesliyan, Steve Oxen, and David Renda.

WebGL Copy Support

Thank you to artists and programmers who make your work free to use!


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GrindPoker Gameplay